Creative Writing CREATIVE WRITING/JOURNEY OF THE SOUL Sharon's talent lies in helping writers identify and discover what their aesthetics really are. Her premise is that all writers are blocked to some degree - usually because of learned, preconceived ideas of how they SHOULD write. Her students praise her for her ability to teach them ' to write from their gut' - through aesthetic exercises, self-exploration, memory retrieval, independent writing, lively class discussions and sharing of work. Sharon also meets with each particpant individually for valuable one-on-one feedback. This class is appropriate for creative writers at all stages of development.
FICTION WRITING / SHAPING AND STRUCTURING YOUR STORY What iss the experience you want to write about?? and how can it be given form?? These are the basic questions participants in the workshop will consider. The effort will be to get in touch with important experiences, recognize significant images related to them and transform the materials into story. The focus of this workshop, however, will be on structure -- how to create a unity from the various elements of fiction and how to utilize effective storytelling techniques. We'll spend time discussing participant's stories as well as a step by step approach to creating new work.
FICTION WRITING/DEVELOPING THE NOVEL Daily class discussions and in-class writing exercises will stimulate your imagaination - helping you hone and polish your descriptive and dialogue writing skills. You'll draw from the beautiful enviroment you are in - examining the cultural, social and gender differences - then compare what you see with your own experiences. It is exactly this kind of observation that translates into good descriptions of place and character.
NEW DIRECTIONS IN TRAVEL WRITING Learn how to land writing assignments, arrange free lodging and transportation, maximize the fun and value of your field research and make your travel tax deductible. On the creative side, practical writing exercises will hone your ability to capture places on paper - challenging you to observe and describe the people and places of Guatemala. Richard will spend one-on-one time with each student so he/she receives a personalized critique of their travel writing and ideas. This workshop is appropriate for writers of all skill levels. ** You will be amazed at how much practical information is packed into this workshop !!!
POETRY / SNAPSHOTS IN WORDS Then you'll expand your writing to include other senses beyond the camera. Together, we'll record the smells of the marketplace; the warmth of the sun breaking through the early morning mists of Lake Atitlan; the sounds of children laughing, speaking foreign tongues in Parque Central; the color of bougainvillea spilling over tumbling rocks of centuries-old colonial ruins; the delicious taste of fresh tortillas and pepian. In this way we'll experience Guatemala as it is, free of our own pre-conceptions. And while we work, we'll note our own reactions - looking for insights to our own lifestyles and culture. Class time will be spent writing together, reading to each other, planning our writing trips and discussing writing strategies. We'll look to other poets, including Guatemalans, for ideas about ways to form our 'snapshot' observations into our own poems. This workshop is appropriate for all levels of writers.
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